Worpsweder Hartholz-Handel GmbH
Buchweizenkamp 27
27299 Langwedel
Tel.: +49 (0)4232 - 9449893
Fax: +49 (0)4232 - 9449895
e-Mail: info (at) hartholz.de
web: www.hartholz.de
CEO: Rüdiger Medzech
Registered: Walsrode HRB 203244
Tax ID Number: DE 278 036 885
General terms and conditions of service
The company Worpsweder Hartholz-Handel GmbH has verified all information pages carefully to achieve a state of the Internet on the information provided. A liability or guarantee for the topicality, correctness and completeness of the information and data on the Internet is not yet incorporated. The information provided here is for informational purposes only. For these contracts, the general terms and conditions.
If you submit personal information, the company Worpsweder Hartholz-Handel GmbH will treat this with the usual care. Transfer personal data to third parties does not occur.
The online service may contain links to Web sites of other providers for their content the company Worpsweder Hartholz-Handel GmbH assumes no liability or guarantee. Simultaneously, the company Worpsweder hardwood GmbH assume no responsibility for third parties that link to the website of the company Worpsweder Hartholz-Handel GmbH from its own Internet site in part or in whole.
The websites, their programming, content, design and structure are the legally protected copyright. Any reproduction, distribution, storage for retrieval or for transfer to other websites our website, the layout of the pages, their content - in particular texts, images and programs - in whole or in part, in modified or unmodified form, requires the prior written consent.